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    Lo spesso manuale è aperto sulla pagina delle confetture. Segni e linee interrogano la ricetta, sono la prima forma di un processo di adattamento, di riformulazione. “Mi prendevano in giroThe thick handbook is open on the “jams” chapter. Signs and lines question the recipe, they are the first form of an adaptation process, of a reformulation. "They laughed at me at the beginning, when I planted the apricot trees in the midst of the building rubble. After two years they were already bending with fruits. Jokingly I always say that it was because of Aunt Maria's chicken coop.

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    The drone hums, takes off, slowly, scattering dust and small stones around. He hoovers for a few moments, as if to weigh the flight’s conditions, then he shoots upwards, becoming a white intuition in the blue sky. From above he sees the sea touching the Gulf of Oristano, the yellow, green and brown fields of May, the tractors that move slowly along the tracks and the rectangle of young corn below.

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    “There has been a flood of cancellations. A French client, who usually comes in June, wrote to me yesterday on whatsapp, mortified for not being able to confirm. It's not easy, this is our only source of income", says Rosalba of the Torremana B&B to the other hoteliers who participate online at the meeting of the "Club Friends of Maristanis”, the vanguard of the professionals who in the eleven municipalities involved in the project decided to gather around the idea of sustainable tourism.

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    "The plants are exhausted, they went through very difficult months", says Monica Secci, agronomist of "Sa Marigosa", as she crosses the artichoke field of the big company, whose vast crops are scattered throughout the territory between the coasts of Sinis Peninsula and the Cabras pond. The plants’ leaves are stained by straw yellow, which on the edges becomes parched gray

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    A club that gathers all the economic actors facing the "water lands" of Oristano in a common path of continuous improvement of environmental sustainability. "Friends of Maristanis" is born, the private facet of the project focused on the protection and sustainable development of the wetlands surrounding the natural heritage of the six Ramsar sites of the Gulf of Oristano.

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    “We are having a lot of fun, and then it's nice to think that we’re doing something for the wetlands, an environment so rich in species. I live near Marceddì, and I often see flamingos. Then just get on the boat and in Capo Frasca and you can meet the dolphins". Davide walks absorbed along the short strip of sand and shell dust that separates the waters of the Santa Giusta pond from the small eucalyptus thicket.

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