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    World Wetlands Day 2021 | The winners of the Terre d'Acqua competition

    With over 60 participating works from the middle schools of the Maristanis municipalities, the Terre d'Acqua competition, launched on the occasion of World Wetlands Day on 2 February, has come to a successful conclusion. Three classes won, one for the DRAWING category, one for the NARRATIVE category, while a special prize was awarded to the "comic strip" category. The prizes were presented to the students by representatives of the MEDSEA Foundation a few days ago, and it was an opportunity to express their thoughts on the environment and wetlands.

    The winning classes were awarded a poster of marine, coastal and wetland birds with a frame to hang in the classroom, a book entitled Le Terre d'Acqua Maristanis e i loro abitanti in both paper and digital versions, while all the others received a MEDSEA certificate as wetland ambassadors.


    Here are the winners:

    for the DRAWING category:

    Class 3^ C Istituto Comprensivo di Marrubiu, Arborea

    Drawing of Gabriele Galia

    Prof. Sandro Marcias


    Motivation: The content of the drawing portrays well the theme of this competition: On the right, the wetlands today, well represented by one of its symbolic birds, the Pink Flamingo, with its crystal clear water and typical marsh vegetation. The long leg of the Pink Flamingo clearly and essentially delimits the present and the future, highlighting, also with a change in the colour of the flamingo's body, the passage from a colourful present and a relaxing atmosphere immersed in nature, to a grey future, with the water in the ponds polluted and full of poisons.

    The sentence in the centre of the drawing also calls for responsibility: "We can change the future", there is still time to change the future!

    For the NARRATIVE category:

    Class 2^ B Istituto Comprensivo di Terralba, Terralba

    Tale of Ludovica

    Prof.ssa Silvia Melis


    Motivation: The tale goes through the fundamental elements of the relationship between communities and wetlands with clear images and lively language, projecting them into a future where the balance between human activities and environmental protection is not only re-established but becomes the gravitational centre of economic and cultural prosperity. 

    For the NARRATIVE – COMICS category:

    Class 1^ C Istituto Comprensivo di Marrubiu, Arborea

    Comics of Giulia Peterle and Alessia Fortunato

    Prof. Sandro Marcias


    Motivazione: Il futuro delle zone umide dipende da noi, è uno slogan che ritorna in diversi elaborati e in questo racconto illustrato e a fumetti si evidenzia come i problemi ambientali spesso si legano a battaglie politiche. Viene messa in risalto l’importanza del ruolo dei giovani che vogliono prendersi la responsabilità di difendere l’ambiente, seguendo l’eredità dei loro nonni. 


    Le studentesse, dimostrano conoscenza del linguaggio espressivo fumettistico e di saper trasferire, nel tratto e nei dialoghi, le conoscenze apprese sulla tematica ambientale. 


    Hanno partecipato al concorso le classi: 

    Classe 1° A - Istituto Comprensivo "Pietro Leo", Arbus 

    Classe 2° C - Istituto Comprensivo "Pietro Leo", Arbus 

    Classe 3° D - Istituto Comprensivo di Marrubiu, Arborea 

    Classe 1° C - Istituto Comprensivo di Marrubiu, Arborea 

    Classe 2° C - Istituto Comprensivo di Marrubiu, Arborea 

    Classe 3° C - Istituto Comprensivo di Marrubiu, Arborea  

    Classe 2° A - Scuola Media E. Marcias, Terralba 

    Classe 2° B - Scuola Media E. Marcias, Terralba 

    Classe 2° C - Scuola Media E. Marcias, Terralba 


    In questo video alcuni studenti riflettono sulle zone umide: 

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