App "Save water - MARISTANIS"

    Water is precious!

    Sardinia has always had water supply problems: there are no natural lakes or glaciers and the rivers are mainly torrential and seasonal. The main source of water supply is rainwater. The rainwater is collected in several artificial reservoirs built during the last century.

    Climate change, however, is putting this system at risk with increasingly scarce and irregular rainfall, alternating intense rainfall (often floods) with long periods of drought. Moreover, the increase in the average temperature increases evaporation, further reducing the accumulated stocks.

    Underground aquifers may be an available source, but continuous abstraction for various uses (including tourism) reduces the flow rate. These phenomena are particularly pronounced in the coastal areas of Oristano.

    In addition, in coastal areas the withdrawal of groundwater facilitates the intrusion of seawater: the water that is extracted has high salt content making it unpleasant and, if used for agricultural purposes, it deposits a layer of salt on the ground, depleting it, and accelerating the phenomena of desertification already underway.

    The withdrawal of groundwater has negative effects on wetlands: groundwater is the main source of freshwater supply of ponds and lagoons.

    A reduced water quantity causes the worsening of the quality because scarcity increases the concentration of pollutants; this situation could cause negative effects on our wetlands: especially in the summer months, our wetlands suffer from eutrophication phenomena.

    So, please, remember to use water consciously, without wasting it and without polluting it.

    Do you want to know how to do it? Our App "Save water - MARISTANIS" could provide you useful advice.

    Become a friend of the wetlands too! Follow the links below to access the Android and iOS versions available in 4 languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish).


    The App was developed by the company GREENSHARE


    App "Save water - MARISTANIS"

    Water is precious!

    Sardinia has always had water supply problems: there are no natural lakes or glaciers and the rivers are mainly torrential and seasonal. The main source of water supply is rainwater. The rainwater is collected in several artificial reservoirs built during the last century.

    Climate change, however, is putting this system at risk with increasingly scarce and irregular rainfall, alternating intense rainfall (often floods) with long periods of drought. Moreover, the increase in the average temperature increases evaporation, further reducing the accumulated stocks.

    Underground aquifers may be an available source, but continuous abstraction for various uses (including tourism) reduces the flow rate. These phenomena are particularly pronounced in the coastal areas of Oristano.

    In addition, in coastal areas the withdrawal of groundwater facilitates the intrusion of seawater: the water that is extracted has high salt content making it unpleasant and, if used for agricultural purposes, it deposits a layer of salt on the ground, depleting it, and accelerating the phenomena of desertification already underway.

    The withdrawal of groundwater has negative effects on wetlands: groundwater is the main source of freshwater supply of ponds and lagoons.

    A reduced water quantity causes the worsening of the quality because scarcity increases the concentration of pollutants; this situation could cause negative effects on our wetlands: especially in the summer months, our wetlands suffer from eutrophication phenomena.

    So, please, remember to use water consciously, without wasting it and without polluting it.

    Do you want to know how to do it? Our App "Save water - MARISTANIS" could provide you useful advice.

    Become a friend of the wetlands too! Follow the links below to access the Android and iOS versions available in 4 languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish).


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