In the occasion of the World Wetlands Day which celebrates ponds and lagoons in the world next February 2, the MEDSEA foundation launches the contest on wetlands in Sardinia with the hashtag #WWDSardegna to raise awareness and promote these still little-known habitats.
From 2 to 27 February, all the ponds and lagoons themed photos of Sardinia posted on public Instagram profiles with the hashtag #WWDSArdegna and #ActForWetlands with a brief thought or an accompanying aphorism, will be selected and evaluated by a jury of experts. The jury will choose the best ones based on the effectiveness of the message. A GoPro Hero 7 - 4K HD Digital Action Camera and some "wetlanders" kits at stake, to explore and learn more about these natural environments and their productions. Some special mentions will be awarded by the Sardinian companies Nieddittas and Riso iFerrari and the Sardinian nature photographers association (AFNI).
This year in the jury, the heads of communication and marketing, Francesca Mattana from Riso iFerrari and Francesca Figus from the Nieddittas fish company, the coordinator of AFNI Sardinia Gianluca Doa, the writer Fabrizio Caramagna, one of the leading experts on aphorisms in Italy, and the vice president of the MEDSEA foundation and environmental economist, Vania Statzu.
The aim of the competition is to increase knowledge on the importance of wetlands and enhance their role to protect, promote and value them.
Info and rules of the contest at
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