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    Little tern, common tern, sandwich tern, rosy gull and black-winged stilt are some of the bird species that have found a home in Corru Mannu in recent weeks. Thanks to the circular economy project applied to mussel farming - which sees MEDSEA and Nieddittas cooperating in the name of environmental protection at the forefront - the artificial islet made with mussel shells in the wetland in the Gulf of Oristano is populated!  

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    Cagliari, 04.02.2023 – Le zone umide sono ecosistemi acquatici sempre più rilevanti, conoscerli meglio è il primo passo per tutelarli, ma non è tutto. “Serve uno strumento di gestione” per evitare che si perdano o vengano compromessi da incuria, gestione frammentaria e discontinua, interventi maldestri, come è successo globalmente negli ultimi 100 anni “con oltre il 64% di questi bacini che sono andati perduti”. 

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    Learning about the role of these precious and very important ecosystems, as well as the specificities of the large wetland area of Oristano. In recent days we have accompanied the students of the 2D of the Comprehensive Institute of the Municipality of Terralba to visit the Torre Vecchia of Marceddì, with a stop at the Sea Museum.


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    With a picture taken in the Oristanese lagoons representing a group of flamingos and the sentence "They come / They come back / Sometimes they stop / Like nomads / In a world / That no longer belongs to us", Gabriele Espis, nature photographer from Terralba , won the MEDSEA #WWDSardegna photo contest which took place on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day from 2 to 27 February 2022.

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